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Lee Lamont came from a difficult background. He was raised by a single mother, and she had to rely on government assistance. As a result, he had to work harder than anyone around him. The lessons he learned come down to simple principles that can be replicated. Here are some of the simple principles that will always work.

Outwork the competition

If the competition is getting out of bed at 7, get up at 6. If they’re making 100 calls, make 101 calls. A common trait to very successful people is that they always outwork the competition. The average person might be looking to clock in and out, but if you go that extra mile, your customers will know it.

Always answer the phone

Are you busy? I imagine you are. But if you are willing to answer the phone any time to help out a customer, he will appreciate the work you are doing to make him feel valued. Make time for your customers, and they wil make money for you.

Be good

This is fairly simple. Don’t lie. Don’t cheat. Don’t take advantage of people. When you have your customers’ best interest at heart, they will give you more business.  

Have people around you who can help you.

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. When you are around high-value people, you will have a positive feedback loop of growth.

Lee Lamont has been a successful entrepreneur by following principles that can work for any business. Follow his example and you can take your business to the next level.

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