
Jay is the co-host of the popular podcast Face to Face with Jay Kinder and Michael Reese, and a real estate agent at eXp Global. He has sold over 4,300 homes and also now teaches the lessons he learned along the way advise to other real estate agents as part of his consulting business. 

Be an expert by knowing what regular people can’t find on the internet. 

Be a local expert. Know the area you are selling in, and not just properties, but the makeup of the town, the places to go, and what the people are like. There’s so much that a person who knows the area well can share that you can’t get on a listing. There’s also the experience of being an investor and understanding market cycles, as first-time buyers are often unsure about whether buying is a good investment.  

Focus on adding value to people’s lives, and do it as much as you can in as many ways as you can.

Whoever it may be that you’re working with or have in your social circle or family, give as much value as you can and things will have a habit of working out in your favor.

Know how to expand your business

Understand the vehicle that you’re in and how it can get you to a place of financial freedom. By vehicle, that means the investing style, or skill, or specialty that you are involved in. The more you understand about your chosen profession, the better you will be at it.

Push yourself to learn

Jay was very lucky to have a father that was so passionate about learning that he would pay Jay, when he was young, to listen to educational audio tapes. As he matured, it became clear that a lifelong passion for learning was instrumental in his success.

If you want to succeed in real estate, it takes much more than knowing numbers and understanding property values. You have to understand the values of a community, not just its property values. You have to continue to push yourself to learn and humble yourself to know you’ll never know everything. And always add value to the people around you. If you keep these in mind, you can be successful in real estate or any other career you choose.


Follow us:

Jay Kinder: Facebook page –  Instagram – website

Michael Valdes: Facebook page – instagram – Youtube Channel

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